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Change List for Revision No. 2 of the 2003 Edition of the MUTCD, dated December 2007

This change list was developed to acquaint readers of the 2003 Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) with the changes that have been incorporated into the MUTCD with Revision No. 2, dated December 2007. This change list compares the "2003 MUTCD with Revision No. 2 incorporated" to the "original 2003 Edition of the MUTCD dated November 2003," which was the version that was printed and sold by AASHTO, ATSSA, and ITE. None of the revisions made in Revision No. 2 affect the text or figure revisions that were made in Revision No. 1 dated November 2004.

Note that, in the PDF version of the 2003 Edition of the MUTCD with Revisions No. 1 and 2 incorporated, a black vertical line and the notation "Rev. 2" in the margin alongside a particular paragraph or figure denotes the location of the changes that have been made with Revision No. 2. The previous black vertical lines and the notations "Rev. 1" in the margins alongside particular paragraphs or figures that denote the locations of the changes that were made with Revision No. 1 have also been retained.

All references to Parts, Chapters, Sections, figures, tables, paragraphs, items, and pages in this change list refer to the 2003 MUTCD.


The front cover, spine, and inside cover of the MUTCD, as well as the cover page of Part 2 were revised to indicate "and Revision 2 dated December 2007" directly under the words "Including Revision 1 dated November 2004."

The cover pages of Parts 1 and 6 were revised to indicate "Including Revision 2 dated December 2007" directly under the words "2003 EDITION."

The tables of contents, pagination, and footers were appropriately revised to accommodate the Revision 2 changes.


On Page I-3, in the list of compliance dates that starts near the bottom of the page, the three new compliance dates for Section 2A.09 (4 years for implementation and continued use of an assessment or management method; 7 years for replacement of regulatory, warning, and ground-mounted guide (except street name) signs; and 10 years for replacement of street name signs and overhead guide signs) were added.

Part 1 General

Chapter 1A - General

Section 1A.11 Relation to Other Publications

On Page 1A-7, a new paragraph that discusses the availability of the publication entitled "Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity" was added after the 4th paragraph.

Part 2 Signs

Chapter 2A - General

Section 2A.09 Minimum Retroreflectivity Levels

On Page 2A-5, the title of the section was changed to "Maintaining Minimum Retroreflectivity."

On Page 2A-5, the Support paragraph that indicated that this section was reserved for future text based on FHWA rulemaking was completely replaced by new text that includes a Standard paragraph, a Guidance paragraph that describes the five assessment or management methods, an Option paragraph that lists signs that may be excluded from the new retroreflectivity guidelines, and three Support paragraphs.

A new Table 2A-3 entitled "Minimum Maintained Retroreflectivity Levels" was added. Existing Tables 2A-3 (on Page 2A-6) and 2A-4 (on Page 2A-7) were renumbered to be Tables 2A-4 and 2A-5, respectively.

Section 2A.10 Shapes

On Page 2A-5, the reference to Table 2A-3 was changed to Table 2A-4.

Section 2A.11 Sign Colors

On Page 2A-5, the reference to Table 2A-4 in the 2nd paragraph was changed to Table 2A-5.

Section 2A.22 Maintenance

On Page 2A-13, the text in the 1st sentence of the 1st paragraph was revised and a cross-reference to Section 2A.09 was added.

Chapter 2B - Regulatory Signs

Section 2B.02 Design of Regulatory Signs

On Page 2B-1, the reference in the 1st paragraph to "Tables 2A-3 and 2A-4" was changed to "Tables 2A-4 and 2A-5."

Part 6 Temporary Traffic Control

Chapter 6F - Temporary Traffic Control Zone Devices

Section 6F.02 General Characteristics of Signs

On Page 6F-1, the two references to Table 2A-4 in the 2nd paragraph were changed to Table 2A-5.