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Full-size image of Figure 2E-51

Figure 2E-51. Example of Signing for a Direct Access Ramp to an HOV Lane from a Local Street

This figure shows an example of signing for a direct access ramp to an HOV lane from a local street.

This figure shows segments of a horizontal two-way access road that enters into and exits from vertical HOV lanes from the right. The direct access ramp is denoted as a local street connection with the two lanes noted as "from Route 6/Addicks" and "to Route 6/Addicks." The access ramp is shown with white HOV diamond symbols on the road surface and is shown crossing over and joining two HOV lanes in each direction that are shown in the center of a vertical divided highway. White HOV diamond symbols are shown on the road surface of the HOV lanes. The additional lane in each direction of the divided highway is denoted as a general purpose lane, which is separated from the respective HOV lane by a solid white line. A legend shows an arrow indicating the travel direction on the roadways.

A series of seven signs are shown, from the bottom to the top of the figure and on the horizontal access ramp, all of which are shown as mounted over the HOV lane of the roadway except as otherwise noted:

  • The first sign is shown near the bottom of the figure at a dimension shown as 1.6 km (1 mi) in advance of the second sign. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign divided into two sections by a horizontal white line. The white HOV diamond symbol is shown on a rectangular black background in the top left corner of the upper section of the sign, and the words "HOV LANE EXITS" are also shown in the upper section. In the bottom section, on the top line, a white state highway sign for Texas 6 is shown to the left of the word "ADDICKS" and the numeral "2." On the bottom line, a red and blue Interstate route shield for Interstate 10 is shown to the left of the numeral "6." The numerals are shown vertically aligned near the right edge of the sign. An asterisk to the right of this sign refers to the following note at the bottom of the page: "For access restricted facilities. Destinations may be augmented to accompany routes on Interchange Sequence signs (see Figure 2E-24)."
  • The second sign is shown at a dimension of 800 m (1/2 mi) in advance of the third sign. It is shown as a square green sign with a white border and legend. A white HOV diamond symbol is shown on a black rectangular background in the top left corner of the sign. A white state highway sign for Texas 6 is shown on the top line, the word "Addicks" is shown on the middle line, and the words "1 MILE" are shown on the bottom line.
  • The third sign is shown just in advance of a white HOV diamond symbol on the road surface. It is shown as identical to the second sign except the words "1 MILE" are replaced by the words "1/2 MILE." At the mid-point of the white HOV diamond, a dotted white line tapers diagonally to the right to the beginning of the local HOV lane exit.
  • The fourth and fifth signs are shown as green signs with white borders and legends next to each other across both the beginning of the HOV lane exit and the continuing HOV lane. The sign on the left is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with a white HOV diamond symbol on a black rectangular background in the top left corner of the sign. A white state highway sign for Texas 6 is shown on the top line, and a short diagonal white arrow pointing up and to the left is shown to the left of the word "Addicks" on the bottom line. The sign on the right is shown as a square sign with a white HOV diamond symbol on a black rectangular background in the top left corner of the sign. The word "NORTH" is shown to the left of the red and blue Interstate route shield for Interstate 45 on the top line, and a short downward-pointing vertical white arrow is shown centered on the bottom line.
  • The sixth sign is shown as an E5-1 sign located at the end of the diagonal dotted white line at the beginning of the local HOV lane exit. It is shown as a square green sign with the word "EXIT" in white above a diagonal white arrow pointing up and to the left.
  • The seventh sign is shown as an R3-14 sign mounted over the horizontal access ramp and facing traffic exiting the local HOV lane. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with the white HOV diamond symbol on a rectangular black background in the top left corner. The words "HOV 2+" in black are shown on the top line, the word "ONLY" in black on the second line, the words "6 AM – 9 AM MON – FRI" in black on the third line, and a downward-pointing vertical black arrow on the bottom line.

Notes have the following entries:

  1. Reference Sections 3B.22 and 3B.23 for additional pavement marking information.
  2. Reference Sections 2B.26 through 2B.28 and 2E.59 for appropriate text information.
  3. Additional advisory and warning signs are required.
  4. Sign locations are approximate.
  5. HOV facility could be barrier-separated, buffer-separated, or concurrent flow.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024