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2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2B-1. STOP and YIELD Signs and Plaques

Full-size image of Figure 2B-1

Figure 2B-1. STOP and YIELD Signs and Plaques

This figure shows five STOP and YIELD signs and plaques.

R1-1 is shown as an octagonal sign with a white border and the legend "STOP"in white on a red background.

R1-3P is shown as a small horizontal rectangular supplementary plaque with a white border and the legend "ALL WAY" in white on a red background.

R1-2 is shown as a downward-pointing equilateral triangle with a wide red border and the legend "YIELD" in red on a white background.

R1-2aP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white plaque with a black border and the words "TO ONCOMING TRAFFIC" in black on three lines.

R1-10P is shown as a horizontal rectangular white plaque with a black border and the words "EXCEPT RIGHT TURN" in black on three lines

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024