2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2B-4. Movement Prohibition and Lane Control Signs and Plaques
Figure 2B-4. Movement Prohibition and Lane Control Signs and Plaques
This figure shows 22 movement prohibition and lane control signs and plaques.
R3-1 is shown as a square white sign with a black border. A vertical black arrow is shown bent at a 90-degree angle pointing to the right. A red circle and diagonal slash running from the upper left to the lower right are shown superimposed on the arrow.
R3-2 is shown as a square white sign with a black border. A vertical black arrow is shown bent at a 90-degree angle pointing to the left. A red circle and diagonal slash running from the upper left to the lower right are shown superimposed on the arrow.
R3-3 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and the words "NO TURNS" in black on two lines.
R3-4 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and legend. A vertical black u-shaped arrow is shown pointing downward with the arrowhead on the left part of the "u." A red circle and diagonal slash running from the upper left to the lower right are shown superimposed on the arrow.
R3-5 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. A vertical black arrow is shown curving up and to the left above the word "ONLY."
R3-5a is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. A vertical black arrow is shown pointing upward above the word "ONLY."
R3-6 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. A vertical black arrow is shown with two arrowheads: one pointing upward and one on the left curving up and to the left. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown to the left of the same sign with the addition of the word "OK" above the curving arrowhead on the left.
R3-7 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and legend. The words "LEFT LANE" are shown on the top line, the word "MUST" in large letters on the middle line, and the words "TURN LEFT" on the bottom line.
R3-5bP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white supplemental plaque with a black border and the words "LEFT LANE" in black.
R3-5cP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white supplemental plaque with a black border and the words "HOV 2+" in black. A note states: "The diamond symbol may be used instead of the "HOV" word message. The minimum vehicle occupancy level may vary, such as 2+, 3+, 4+. The words "LANE" or "ONLY" may be used with this sign when appropriate."
R3-5dP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white supplemental plaque with a black border and the words "TAXI LANE" in black.
R3-5eP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white supplemental plaque with a black border and the words "CENTER LANE" in black.
R3-5fP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white supplemental plaque with a black border and the words "RIGHT LANE" in black.
R3-5gP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white supplemental plaque with a black border and the words "BUS LANE" in black.
R3-8 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and legend. On the left half of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown curving up and to the left above the word "ONLY." A short black vertical line is shown to its right. On the right half of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown with two arrowheads: one pointing upward and one on the left curving up and to the left. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown to the left of the same sign with the addition of the word "OK" below the two-headed arrow on the right.
R3-8a is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. On the left third of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown curving up and to the left above the word "ONLY." A short black vertical line is shown to its right. On the middle third of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown with two arrowheads: one pointing upward and one on the left curving up and to the left. A short black vertical line is shown to its right. On the right third of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown curving up and to the right above the word "ONLY." A horizontal rectangular white supplemental plaque with a black border and the words "HOV 2+" in black is shown mounted above the sign and aligned with the right edge.
R3-8b is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. On the left third of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown curving up and to the left above the word "ONLY." A short black vertical line is shown to its right. On the middle third of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown pointing upward above the word "ONLY." A short black vertical line is shown to its right. On the right third of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown curving up and to the right above the word "ONLY."
R3-18 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and legend. A vertical black u-shaped arrow is shown pointing downward with two arrowheads on the left part of the "u": one at a 90-degree angle to the left and another pointing downward. A red circle and diagonal slash running from the upper left to the lower right are shown superimposed on the arrow.
R3-20L is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. The words "BEGIN LEFT TURN LANE" are shown on four lines above a diagonal arrow pointing down and to the right. The word "BEGIN" is shown on the top line and larger than the others.
R3-20R is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. The words "BEGIN RIGHT TURN LANE" are shown on four lines above a diagonal arrow pointing down and to the left. The word "BEGIN" is shown on the top line and larger than the others.
R3-27 is shown as a square white sign with a black border. A vertical black arrow is shown pointing upward. A red circle and diagonal slash running from the upper left to the lower right are shown superimposed on the arrow.
R3-33 is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and legend with the words "RIGHT LANE MUST EXIT" on two lines.