2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2B-23. Example of Regulatory and Warning Signs for a Two-Lane Roundabout with Consecutive Double Lefts
Figure 2B-23. Example of Regulatory and Warning Signs for a Two-Lane Roundabout with Consecutive Double Lefts
This figure illustrates an example of regulatory and warning signs for a two-lane roundabout with consecutive double lefts.
Notes state: (1) Signs shown for only one leg. (2) See Section 2D.38 for guide signs at roundabouts. (3) See Chapter 3C for markings at roundabouts.
The figure shows a green central island surrounded by a circular roadway. A narrow band shown as composed of a contrasting pavement texture separates the island from the circular roadway.
Four roadways enter the roundabout from the north, south, east, and west. The east, south, and west roadways are four-lane roadways with two lanes in each direction. The north roadway is a three-lane roadway with one lane going north and two lanes going south. A triangular splitter island separates the opposing lanes of each roadway where it intersects the circular roadway. Concentric bands of narrow green verges and curbing border the outsides of the roadways. White lane-use arrows with combined left-turn and through arrows are marked on the circular roadway at the base of every splitter island.
Around the outer edge of the circular roadway, a solid white line is shown across the base of each splitter island, a dotted white line is shown intersecting each of the four entering lanes, and no line is shown intersecting the four exiting lanes. A second solid white line is shown on the circular roadway, paralleling the outer line but closer to the central island, with a dotted white line parallel to the outer one that then changes to a solid white line as it joins the broken white line between the two lanes of the exiting lanes in each direction. A third solid white line is shown on the circular roadway,with a dotted white line parallel to the outer one, between the central island and the roadway entering from the north. At the base of every splitter island, white lane-use arrows with through arrows are marked on the outer lane of the circular roadway, white lane-use arrows with combined left-turn and through arrows are marked on the middle lane, and white lane-use arrows with left-turn arrows are marked on the inner lane.
On each of the four roadways entering the roundabout, the opposing directions of travel are separated by a solid double yellow line. Broken white lines separate lanes of through traffic. As each roadway approaches the splitter island, the two solid yellow lines diverge to go alongside the two sides of the splitter island. A crosswalk composed of a row of closely spaced white lines parallel to the flow of traffic is shown crossing all four lane sand the wide part of each splitter island. White lane-use arrows with combined left-turn, right-turn, and through arrows are marked on each of the four roadways next to the splitter islands in advance of entering the circular roadway.
On the roadway entering the circular roadway from the south,a sign assembly is shown to the right of the roadway and facing south. It is shown composed of a diamond-shaped yellow roundabout symbol sign mounted above a horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with the words "Main St." Just beyond this sign assembly, a sign is shown on the green verge to the right of the roadway. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black left-turn arrow above the word "ONLY" to the left of a combined left-turn, through, right-turn arrow. To the right of this sign is the word "OR" and another white sign showing a left-hooking arrow and the word "ONLY" to the left of a combined left-hooking arrow and the word "ONLY" with a through arrow and a right-hooking arrow. To the right of this sign is the word "OR" and a white sign showing a left-turn arrow above a circle and the word "ONLY" to the left of a combined left-turn,through, right-turn arrow. To the right of this sign is the word "OR"and a white sign showing a left-hooking arrow and the word "ONLY" above a circle to the left of a left-hooking arrow and the word "ONLY" with a through arrow and a right-hooking arrow. Adjacent to this sign, a white left-through-right lane-use arrow is shown marked on the right lane and a white left-turn lane-use arrow above the word "ONLY" is shown marked on the left lane. These arrows are repeated farther north in advance of the crosswalk over the splitter island. Beginning at this set of arrows, the broken white line separating through lanes changes to a solid white line and continues to the broken white line beyond the white yield line.
Opposite the splitter island and in advance of the crosswalk, a sign assembly marked "optional" is shown to the right of the roadway on the green verge and facing south. It is shown composed of a diamond-shaped yellow walking person symbol sign mounted above a horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with a diagonal arrow pointing down and to the left. Just beyond this sign assembly, a crosswalk composed of a row of closely spaced white lines parallel to the flow of traffic is shown crossing all four lanes and the wide part of the splitter island. On the splitter island, another walking person sign assembly marked "optional" is shown facing south with the diagonal arrow pointing down and to the right. On the splitter island on the north side of the crosswalk, another walking person sign assembly marked "optional" is shown facing north with the diagonal arrow pointing down to the right. On the green verge on the left side of the roadway, another walking person sign assembly marked "optional" is shown facing north with the diagonal arrow pointing down and to the left.
North of the crosswalk, a yield line of white triangles is marked on the pavement across the lane of traffic entering the circular roadway in advance of the dotted white line. A YIELD sign assembly facing south is shown on the green verge to the right of the roadway adjacent to the YIELD line. Another YIELD sign facing south is shown on the base of the splitter island.
Opposite the entering lane, a horizontal rectangular white sign with four black right-pointing chevrons is shown facing south on the green central island. To the right of this sign is the word "OR" and a white sign with three right-pointing chevrons.