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2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2E-3. Overhead Arrow-per-Lane Guide Sign for a Multi-Lane Exit with an Option Lane

Full-size image of Figure 2E-3

Figure 2E-3. Overhead Arrow-per-Lane Guide Sign for a Multi-Lane Exit with an Option Lane

This figure shows an example of an overhead arrow-per-lane guide sign for a multi-lane exit with an option lane.

The sign is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with white letters and border. It is shown with the numerals "595" on a red and blue Interstate shield to the left of the word "EAST" on the top line above the word "Annapolis" to the left of a vertical white line that divides the top half of the sign in two sections. To the right of the dividing line, the numeral "197" in black is shown on a white disk on the top line above the word "Mitchellville." On the third line of the sign, a vertical arrow pointing straight ahead is shown below the word "Annapolis," a two-headed vertical arrow pointing straight ahead and curving to the right is shown below the vertical dividing line, and, below the word "Mitchellville," the word "EXIT" in black is shown on a horizontal yellow rectangle to the left of a vertical arrow curving to the right, which is to the left of the word "ONLY" in black on a horizontal yellow rectangle. A smaller horizontal rectangular green plaque with white letters and border is shown above the top right of the sign and shows the words "EXIT 11."

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024