2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2E-6. Overhead Arrow-per-Lane Guide Signs for a Split with an Option Lane
Figure 2E-6. Overhead Arrow-per-Lane Guide Signs for a Split with an Option Lane
This figure shows overhead arrow-per-lane guide signs for a split with an option lane.
The figure shows segments of one direction of a vertical highway labeled I-43 and I-94 at the bottom of the figure, depicted with three lanes, with the travel direction from the bottom to the top of the figure. At the bottom of the figure, the lanes are separated from each other by broken white lines. The broken white line between the center and right lanes is then shown changing to a dotted wide white lane. Near the top of the figure, the highway is shown with a Y-shaped divergence of two lanes to the left fork (labeled I-94) and two lanes to the right fork (labeled I-43). The center lane divides, and this lane and the right lane (labeled I-43) are shown separated by a solid wide white line and curving to the right, to the right of a theoretical gore shown with white chevron markings. The left lane and part of the center lane (labeled I-94) are shown curving left, to the left of the gore, and are shown separated by broken white lines.
Four horizontal rectangular green signs and sign assemblies with white legends and borders are shown along the highway, as well as two Interstate route sign assemblies:
- The first sign assembly is shown near the bottom of the figure where the lanes are divided by broken white lines. It is shown extending over all three lanes of the highway. It is shown as an arrow-per-lane guide sign, with the numeral "94" on a red and blue Interstate shield to the left of the word "WEST" on the top line above the word "Brookfield" to the left of a vertical white line that divides the top half of the sign in two sections. To the right of the dividing line, the numeral "43" is shown on a red and blue Interstate shield to the left of the word "WEST" on the top line above the words "Green Bay" on the second line and the words "2 MILES" on the third line. On the fourth line of the sign, a vertical arrow curving to the left is shown under the word "Brookfield"; a two-headed arrow with the two arrow shafts emanating from a combined base, with one shaft curving upward to the left and the other curving upward and to the right is shown below the vertical dividing line; and below the words "Green Bay," the word "EXIT" in black is shown on a horizontal yellow rectangle to the left of a vertical arrow curving to the right, which is to the left of the word "ONLY" in black on a horizontal yellow rectangle. A smaller horizontal rectangular green plaque with white letters and border is shown above the top right of the sign and shows the words "EXIT 310."
- Just north of the first sign assembly, the broken white line between the center and right lanes is shown changing to a wide dotted white line. The same sign assembly is shown further north on the highway beyond this point. The sign assembly is the same as the first, except the distance on the third line of the sign is shown as "1 MILE."
- North of the second sign assembly, the dotted wide white line between the center and right lanes is shown changing to a solid wide white line. The same sign assembly is shown again further north of this point and in advance of the theoretical gore. The sign assembly is the same as the first, except without any distance on the third line of the sign.
- A horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend is shown in the gore between the right and left forking lanes. The sign shows the word "EXIT" on the top line above the numeral "310" to the left of a short diagonal arrow pointing up and to the right.
- Along the right fork, a sign assembly is shown to the right of the highway. It is shown as a red and blue Interstate route shield on which the white numeral "43" is shown. Above it, a plaque is shown with the word "NORTH" in white letters and a white border on a blue background.
- Along the left fork, a sign is shown to the right of the highway. It is shown as a red and blue Interstate route shield on which the white numeral "94" is shown. Above it, a plaque is shown with the word "WEST" in white letters and a white border on a blue background.