2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2G-4. Examples of Warning Signs and Plaques Applicable Only to Preferential Lanes
Figure 2G-4. Examples of Warning Signs and Plaques Applicable Only to Preferential Lanes
This figure shows four examples of warning signs and plaques applicable only to preferential lanes.
A note states: "An HOV lane example (diamond symbol) is illustrated. For other types of preferential lanes, the appropriate symbol or word message (see Section 2B.26) shall be displayed in white on the black background of the top portion of these signs."
The first three signs are labeled "A - Barrier-mounted rectangular warning signs":
- W4-1L (modified) is shown as a vertical rectangular yellow sign with a black border and legend. The top third of the sign is shown as a black panel with a white diamond outline symbol centered horizontally. This panel is shown above a merge symbol, showing a black arrow pointing up and a curved line joining the bottom shaft of the arrow on the left side.
- W4-2L (modified) is shown as a vertical rectangular yellow sign with a black border and legend. The top third of the sign is shown as a black panel with a white diamond outline symbol centered horizontally. This panel is shown above a lane taper symbol, showing a thick, vertical line on the left that angles toward the right half way up; a thick, vertical straight line on the right; and a thin, short vertical dotted line between them that is the length of the vertical section of the line on the left.
- W13-2 (modified) is shown as a vertical rectangular yellow sign with a black border and legend. The top third of the sign is shown as a black panel with a white diamond outline symbol centered horizontally. This panel is shown above the word "EXIT" above a horizontal line that extends from the left edge of the sign to the right. Below this dividing line, a large numeral "30" is shown above the word "MPH."
The fourth sign is labeled "B - Warning plaque for use above standard diamond-shaped warning signs":
- W16-11P is shown as a small horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with a black border and the word "HOV" in black.