2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2G-22. Example of Signing for the Entrance to an Access-Restricted Priced Managed Lane Where a General-Purpose Lane Becomes the Managed Lane
Figure 2G-22. Example of Signing for the Entrance to an Access-Restricted Priced Managed Lane Where a General-Purpose Lane Becomes the Managed Lane
This figure shows an example of signing for the entrance to an access-restricted priced managed lane where a general-purpose lane becomes the managed lane.
The figure shows one direction of travel on a vertical highway with four general purpose lanes. They are shown as separated from each other by broken white lines. At the top of the figure, the leftmost lane is shown as a managed lane separated by a barrier from the remaining three general purpose lanes. The direction of travel is from the bottom to the top of the figure. At two places in the leftmost lane of the highway, the words "EXPRESS ONLY" are shown on the pavement in white letters.
Two footnotes are shown that apply to many of the signs:
Footnote 1: All vehicles must have a registered ETC account. Toll discounts or exemptions through a registration program might be applicable for certain vehicles.
Footnote 2. All vehicles except HOV must have a registered ETC account. If registration is required for non-toll travel by HOV traffic, case (1) signing shall be used.
A series of six signs are shown, from the bottom to the top of the figure, all of which are shown as mounted over the leftmost lane of the highway except as otherwise noted:
- At the bottom of the figure, the first sign is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It is shown at a dimensioned distance of 1 mile prior to the second sign. The top part of the sign is shown as a purple panel with a Toll Pass logo to the left of the word "ONLY" in black on a white rectangle. This panel is shown above a horizontal white line that extends from the left border to the right border. Below this dividing line, the words "EXPRESS LANE ENTRANCE" are shown on three lines above the words "2 MILES" on the bottom line. At the bottom of the sign, a horizontal rectangular yellow panel is shown with a short downward-pointing vertical arrow to the left of the word "ONLY" in black. Above the top left portion of the sign is shown a separate yellow horizontal rectangular plaque with a black border and the word "LEFT" in black. Footnote 1 applies to this sign. To the right of the sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This sign is shown as the same except instead of the Toll Pass logo and the word "ONLY," a white panel is shown at the top of the sign with the purple Toll Pass logo to the left of the word "OR" on the top line and the words "HOV 2+ ONLY" on the second line. Footnote 2 applies to this sign.
- The second sign is shown at a dimensioned distance of 1/2 mi prior to the third sign. At this point, the broken white line between the two leftmost lanes is shown changing to a dotted white line. Two versions of the second sign are shown as the same as the two versions of the first sign except the words "1 MILE" are shown instead of the words "2 MILES" on both versions.
- The third sign is shown at a dimensioned distance of 1/2 mi prior to the fourth sign. Tow versions of the third sign are shown as the same as the two versions of the first sign except the words "2 MILES" are not shown on both versions.
- The fourth sign is shown at a dimensioned distance of 800 ft. MIN in advance of the start of the barrier between the three general purpose lanes and the managed lane, and this is also where the dotted white line between the two left most lanes is shown changing to a solid white line. The fourth sign is shown in two versions, which are the same as the two versions of the third sign. Beyond this point, the solid white lane line is shown splitting, with white chevron markings added to form a theoretical gore in advance of the gore between the managed lane and the general purpose lanes.
- The fifth sign is shown as an R3-44 sign located over the managed lane at the start of the barrier between the managed lane and the three remaining general purpose lanes. A note states: "Potential location of a changeable message sign (CMS) for reversible or contraflow operations." The sign is shown as a square white sign with a black border and legend. A purple Toll Pass logo is shown on the top line, the word "ONLY" is shown on the middle line, and a short downward-pointing arrow is centered on the bottom line. Footnote 1 applies to this sign. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This sign is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. A purple Toll Pass logo is shown to the left of the word "OR" on the top line, the words "HOV 2+ ONLY" are shown on the middle line, and a downward-pointing black arrow is centered on the bottom line. This alternative sign is shown as a R3-44a sign. Footnote 2 applies to this sign.
- The sixth sign is shown post-mounted at the beginning of the barrier between the leftmost general purpose lane and the managed lane. It is shown as a vertical rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The words "EXPRESS LANE ENTRANCE" are shown on three lines above a diagonal arrow pointing down and to the left. A note states "Barrier-separated facilities only."
Several notes are included:
- For access to a managed lane on the right-hand side, the same signing sequence would be used with adjustments made to sign messages.
- Geometry is for illustrative purposes only. Use locally applied geometric criteria.
- The minimum vehicle occupancy requirement and hours of operation on the sign may vary for each facility.
- See Chapter 3D for pavement markings.
- See Figure 2G-21 for additional signing.