2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2I-3. Examples of General Service Signs with and without Exit Numbering
Figure 2I-3. Examples of General Service Signs with and without Exit Numbering
This figure shows 6 examples of general service signs and plaques with and without exit numbering. They are shown as horizontal rectangular blue signs with white borders and lettering.
D9-18 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with symbols of a gas pump, vertical fork and knife on a plate, and stylized symbol of a person in a bed on the top line, and symbols of a telephone receiver, large letter "H," and an "Rx" symbol (identical to that of the D9-20 sign in Figure 2I-1) with the words "24 HR" immediately under it, on the bottom line. E1-5P is shown as a horizontal rectangular plaque mounted above the top right of D9-18 with the words "EXIT 7."
D9-18b is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with symbols of a gas pump, vertical fork and knife on a plate, and stylized symbol of a person in a bed on the top line; symbols of a telephone receiver, large letter "H," and tent on the middle line; and the words "EXIT 38" on the bottom line.
A second D9-18b sign is shown below the first, separated by the word "OR." The second D9-18b is the same as the first except that a tent symbol is shown in the bottom right of the sign instead of an "Rx 24HR" symbol, and the bottom line of the sign is shown with the words "NEXT RIGHT" instead of "EXIT 58."
D9-18a is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "FOOD - PHONE," "GAS - LODGING," "HOSPITAL," and "CAMPING" displayed on four lines. E1-5P is shown as a horizontal rectangular plaque mounted above the top right of D9-18a with the words "EXIT 55."
D9-18c is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "FOOD - PHONE," "GAS - LODGING," "24 HR PHARMACY," and "HOSPITAL," displayed on four lines. The fifth line of the sign is shown with the words "EXIT 82 A."
A second D9-18c sign is shown below the first, separated by the word "OR." The second D9-18a is the same as the first except the word "HOSPITAL" is shown on the third line instead of "24-HR PHARMACY," the word "CAMPING" is shown on the fourth line instead of "HOSPITAL," and the fifth line is shown with the words "SECOND RIGHT" instead of "EXIT 82 A."