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2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2I-8. Radio, Telephone, and Carpool Information Signs

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Figure 2I-8. Radio, Telephone, and Carpool Information Signs

This figure shows six radio, telephone, and carpool information signs. They are shown as square and rectangular blue signs with white borders and legends.

D12-1 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "WEATHER INFO" on the top line, the words "TUNE RADIO TO" on the second line, the words "750 AM 1230 AM" on the third line, and the words "96.3 FM" on the bottom line.

D12-2 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "CAR POOL" on the top line, the word "INFO" on the middle line, and the words "CALL *CAR" on the bottom line.

D12-3 is shown as a horizontal rectangular with the words "MICHIGAN" on the top line, the words "STATE POLICE" on the second line, the word "MONITORS" on the third line, and the words "CB CHANNEL 9" on the bottom line.

D12-4 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "EMERGENCY" on the top line and the words "CALL 911" on the bottom line.

D12-5 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with a "511" logo on the top line, the word "TRAVEL" on the second line, the word "INFO" on the third line, and the words "CALL 511" on the bottom line. A note states: "The pictograph of the transportation agency or the travel information service or program may be used in place of the 511 pictograph. See Section 2I.08."

D12-5a is shown as a square sign with the word "TRAVEL" on the top line, the word "INFO" on the middle line, and the words "CALL 511" on the bottom line.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024