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2009 Edition Part 3 Figure 3B-31. Advance Warning Markings for Speed Humps

Full-size image of Figure 3B-31

Figure 3B-31. Advance Warning Markings for Speed Humps

This figure illustrates examples of advance warning markings for speed humps.

A vertical two-lane roadway is shown. Arrows show that the direction of travel is one lane in each direction. A solid double yellow line separates the two lanes. A note states: "See Figures 3B-29 and 3B-30 for pavement markings on speed humps."

In the middle of the figure, a speed hump is shown with white speed hump markings for each of the two lanes, with the base of the "v" for each direction shown at the near edge of the speed hump and the point of the "v" for each direction at the center of the speed hump. In each direction, a series of eight white horizontal lines is shown on the marked on the pavement, each centered on the centerline of each travel lane. The distance from the base of the pavement marking farthest from the speed hump to the base of the speed hump is shown as a dimension of 100 ft. The thickness of each pavement marking is shown as 12 inches wide. The width of each pavement marking varies as noted below.

The width of the speed hump advance warning markings increases from short to long as they approach the speed hump:

  • The first line is shown as a dimensioned distance of 100 ft in advance of the leading edge of the speed hump and is the narrowest, shown as a dimension of 1 ft wide.
  • The second line is shown as a dimensioned distance of 20 ft closer to, or 80 ft in advance of, the hump and is shown as a dimension of 2 ft wide.
  • The third line is shown as a dimensioned distance of 18 ft closer to, or 62 ft in advance of, the hump and is shown as a dimension of 3 ft wide.
  • The fourth line is shown as a dimensioned distance of 16 ft closer to, or 46 ft in advance of, the hump and is shown as a dimension of 4 ft wide.
  • The fifth line is shown as a dimensioned distance of 14 ft closer to, or 32 ft in advance of, the hump and is shown as a dimension of 5 ft wide.
  • The sixth line is shown as a dimensioned distance of 12 ft closer to, or 20 ft in advance of, the hump and is shown as a dimension of 6 ft wide.
  • The seventh line is shown as a dimensioned distance of 10 ft closer to, or 10 ft in advance of, the hump and is shown as a dimension of 7 ft wide.
  • The eighth and last line is shown as a dimensioned distance of 8 ft closer to, or 2 ft in advance of, the hump and is shown as a dimension of 8 ft wide.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024