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2009 Edition Chapter 4K. Highway Traffic Signals at Toll Plazas

Section 4K.01 Traffic Signals at Toll Plazas

01 Traffic control signals or devices that closely resemble traffic control signals that use red or green circular indications shall not be used at toll plazas to indicate the open or closed status of the toll plaza lanes.

02 Traffic control signals or devices that closely resemble traffic control signals that use red or green circular indications should not be used for new or reconstructed installations at toll plazas to indicate the success or failure of electronic toll payments or to alternately direct drivers making cash toll payments to stop and then proceed.

Section 4K.02 Lane-Use Control Signals at or Near Toll Plazas

01 Lane-use control signals used at toll plazas shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 4M except as otherwise provided in this Section.

02 At toll plazas with multiple lanes where one or more lanes is sometimes closed to traffic, a lane-use control signal shall be installed above the center of each toll plaza lane to indicate the open or closed status of the controlled lane.

03 The bottom of the signal housing of a lane-use control signal above a toll plaza lane having a canopy may be mounted lower than 15 feet above the pavement, but not lower than the vertical clearance of the canopy structure.

04 Lane-use control signals may also be used to indicate the open or closed status of an Open-Road ETC lane as a supplement to other devices used for the temporary closure of a lane (see Part 6).

Section 4K.03 Warning Beacons at Toll Plazas

01 Warning Beacons used at toll plazas shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 4L except as otherwise provided in this Section.

02 Warning Beacons, if used with a toll plaza canopy sign (see Section 2F.16) to assist drivers of such vehicles in locating the dedicated ETC Account-Only lane(s), should be installed in a manner such that the beacons are distinctly separate from the lane-use control signals (see Section 4M.01) for the toll plaza lane.

03 Warning Beacons that are mounted on toll plaza islands, behind impact attenuators in front of toll plaza islands, and/or on toll booth pylons (ramparts) to identify them as objects in the roadway may be mounted at a height that is appropriate for viewing in a toll plaza context, even if that height is lower than the normal minimum of 8 feet above the pavement.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024