2009 Edition Part 6 Figure 6H-15. Work in the Center of a Road with Low Traffic Volumes (TA-15)
Figure 6H-15. Work in the Center of a Road with Low Traffic Volumes (TA-15)
This figure illustrates work in the center of a road with low traffic volumes. A legend under the figure states that this is Typical Application 15. A note states "See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 for the meaning of the symbols and/or letter codes used in this figure."
This figure shows a vertical two-lane roadway with one lane of traffic in each direction. A downward-pointing black arrow in the left lane and an upward-pointing arrow in the right lane denote the direction of traffic. The opposing lanes are shown separated by a broken yellow line. A shoulder is shown to the right of each travel lane. The shoulders are shown separated from the travel lanes by a solid white line.
At the bottom of the figure and to the right of the northbound shoulder, a black inverted "T" is shown denoting a sign. The sign is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and the words "ROAD WORK AHEAD" in black. Just beyond this sign, a series of orange squares, denoting channelizing devices, is shown running along the broken yellow line and then flaring out into both travel lanes in the shape of a "V." The Road Work Ahead sign is shown at a dimensioned distance A in advance of the point where the channelizing devices begin to form the "V." The width of the "V" at its widest point is shown at a dimensioned distance in both travel lanes from the outside of the V to the edge of the travel lane with a label of "10 feet MIN. to edge of pavement or outside edge of paved shoulder." Inside the "V" of the devices, a sign is shown on the broken yellow line. It is shown as a vertical rectangular white Keep Right sign with a black border and a black reverse curve arrow to the right of a downward facing bullet shape representing the work area in this application. Beyond this sign on the broken yellow line, a solid black circle is shown with a leader to an orange flag tree labeled optional. This symbol is shown at a dimensioned distance 1/2 L beyond the start of the "V" shape of the channelizing devices. Beyond the flag tree symbol, a vertical rectangular black and white diagonally striped box is shown, denoting a work space, which covers the broken yellow line. The channelizing devices are shown continuing from the top of the "V" parallel to and on both sides of the flag tree symbol and the work space. Beyond the work space, at the top of the figure, a horizontal rectangular orange sign with a black border is shown to the right of the northbound shoulder. It shows the words "END ROAD WORK" in black.
At the top of the figure and to the right of the southbound shoulder, the same series is shown of two signs, flag tree symbol, channelizing devices leading to the work space, and the End Road Work sign beyond the work space.