2009 Edition Part 6 Figure 6H-40. Median Crossover for an Entrance Ramp (TA-40)
Figure 6H-40. Median Crossover for an Entrance Ramp (TA-40)
This figure illustrates an example of a median crossover for an entrance ramp. A legend under the figure states that this is Typical Application 40. A note states "See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 for the meaning of the symbols and/or letter codes used in this figure."
This figure shows a vertical four-lane divided highway with a median dividing two lanes, an exit ramp, and a shoulder on the left of the figure and two lanes, an entrance ramp, and a shoulder on the right. Black arrows denote the direction of travel in all lanes. The shoulders are shown separated from the travel lanes by a solid white line. The two opposing lanes on the left are shown separated by a solid double yellow line.
At the bottom of the figure, two vertical rectangles with diagonal black and white stripes denoting work spaces are shown in the two travel lanes on the right side of the figure. An entrance ramp to the right of the two travel lanes with the work spaces is shown tapering to the left to join the travel lanes. A yellow line denoted as a temporary yellow edge line is shown on the left side of the entrance ramp. An upward-pointing black arrow denotes the direction of traffic. At the bottom of the figure, a black inverted "T" denoting a sign is shown to the right of the entrance ramp shoulder. The sign is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and the words "ROAD WORK AHEAD" in black. Beyond it, a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border is shown with an upward-pointing black arrow above a red and white triangular YIELD symbol. At this point, a series of orange squares denoting channelizing devices is shown beginning at the left edge of the entrance ramp. The spacing between the devices is shown as a dimensioned distance of 25 ft.
To the right of the entrance ramp shoulder at the northern edge of the work spaces, a black oar-shaped symbol denoting a luminaire is shown and is labeled optional. At this point, the entrance ramp is shown beginning to curve to the left and form a crossover over the median to the southbound lanes. The temporary yellow edge line and channelizing devices shown on the left edge of the ramp and a white line denoted as a temporary white edge line and channelizing devices shown on the right edge continue as the lane is shown to curve. At the right edge of the entrance ramp where it is shown beginning to curve, a horizontal rectangle with diagonal orange and white stripes denoting a Type III barricade is shown. Farther along the curve, a sign assembly is shown in front of another Type III barricade. The sign assembly is shown composed of a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "ROAD CLOSED" in black above a horizontal rectangular orange sign with a black border and a horizontal black arrow pointing to the left. The sign assembly and barricade are shown in front of a work space in the right-hand northbound lane that is shown extending to the top edge of the figure.
Farther along the entrance ramp curve, another Type III barricade is shown in front of a work space in the left-hand northbound that also is shown extending to the top edge of the figure. At this point, the entrance ramp is shown crossing over the median, and a sign is shown to the right of the ramp as it turns right onto the inside southbound lane. The sign is shown as a downward-pointing equilateral triangle with a wide red border and the legend "YIELD" in red on a white background. The entrance ramp then is shown continuing north along the median, with the temporary white edge line and channelizing devices to the right shown continuing. Then the entrance ramp is shown tapering to the left in front of the median and merging with the inside southbound lane. An upward-pointing black arrow denotes the direction of travel in this inside lane. At the merge point, a sign is shown on the median, with a second sign beyond it on the median. They are both shown as diamond-shaped orange signs with a black border and a downward-pointing black arrow to the left of an upward-pointing black arrow, denoting two-way traffic. The temporary white edge line is shown continuing along the median to the right of this northbound lane.
At the top of the figure, downward-pointing black arrows on the outside lane on the left side of the figure show that the direction of travel is southbound lane, and upward-pointing black arrows on the inside lane show that the direction of travel is northbound. These opposing lanes are shown separated by a solid double yellow line, and a series of channelizing devices is shown along the entire length of the line. Adjacent to the Two-Way Traffic signs on the median, the channelizing devices are shown at a dimensioned spacing of 25 ft continuing for a dimensioned distance of 250 ft along the double yellow line. This distance is shown extending just beyond the point where the northbound entrance ramp crossover is shown merging with the northbound lane to the left of the median. At that point on the bottom half of the median, a black inverted "T" denoting a sign is shown at an angle facing northbound traffic. The sign is shown as a horizontal rectangular black sign with a white border. The words "ONE WAY" in black are shown superimposed on a large left-pointing white arrow. To the left of the entrance ramp crossover where it meets the median, a square white sign with a red circle is shown with the words "DO NOT" and "ENTER" in white above and below a thick horizontal white line. It is shown facing southbound traffic. Just south of these two signs and at the point where the channelizing devices are no longer shown closely spaced, a sign is shown on the median facing northbound traffic. It is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and a black arrow pointing up and a curved line joining the shaft of the arrow on the right side. Farther south, an exit lane is shown tapering away from the outside southbound lane.