2009 Edition Part 9 Figure 9B-4. Guide Signs and Plaques for Bicycle Facilities (Sheet 1 of 2)
Figure 9B-4. Guide Signs and Plaques for Bicycle Facilities (Sheet 1 of 2)
This figure illustrates 20 guide signs and plaques for bicycle facilities.
D1-1 is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of the words "Civic Center."
D1-1a is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with the word "Duncan" and the numeral "8" to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow.
D1-1b is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of a left-facing bicycle symbol and the word "Campus."
D1-1c is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with a left-facing bicycle symbol to the left of the word "Stadium" to the left of the numeral "6" and a right-pointing horizontal arrow.
D1-2 is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of the word "Highland" on the top line and the word "Greenville" to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow on the bottom line. The top and bottom lines of text are shown separated by a horizontal white line.
D1-2a is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of the word "Wildwood" to the left of the numeral "7" on the top line and the word "Decatur" to the left of the numerals "10" to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow on the bottom line. The top and bottom lines of text are shown separated by a horizontal white line.
D1-2b is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of a bicycle symbol and the word "Gardens" on the top line and a bicycle symbol and the word "Waterfront" to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow on the bottom line. The top and bottom lines of text are shown separated by a horizontal white line.
D1-2c is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of a bicycle symbol to the left of the word "University" and the numeral "5" on the top line and a bicycle symbol to the left of the word "Downtown" to the left of the numerals "10" and a right-pointing horizontal arrow on the bottom line. The top and bottom lines of text are shown separated by a horizontal white line.
D1-3 is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with an upward-pointing vertical arrow to the left of the word "Lexington" on the top line, a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of the words "Picnic Area" on the middle line, and the words "Palm City" to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow on the bottom line. The top and bottom lines of text are shown separated by a horizontal white line.
D1-3a is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with an upward-pointing vertical arrow to the left of the word "Columbia" and the numerals "12" on the top line, a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of the word "Jackson" and the numerals "15" on the second line, and the word "Arena" and the numeral "4" to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow on the bottom line. The top and bottom lines of text are shown separated by a horizontal white line.
D1-3b is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with an upward-pointing vertical arrow to the left of a bicycle symbol and the words "Oak Park" on the top line, a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of a bicycle symbol and the word "Quincy" on the second line, and a bicycle symbol and the word "Museum" to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow on the bottom line. The top and bottom lines of text are shown separated by a horizontal white line.
D1-3c is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green destination and distance sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with an upward-pointing vertical arrow to the left of a bicycle symbol to the left of the word "Library" and the numeral "3" on the top line, a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of a bicycle symbol to the left of the word "Beach" and the numerals "15" on the second line, and a bicycle symbol to the left of the word "Kingston" and the numerals "10" to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow on the bottom line. The top and bottom lines of text are shown separated by a horizontal white line.
D3-1 is shown as a horizontal, rectangular, green sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with the words "8th Ave" on one line.
D4-3 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a green border and legend. It shows a symbol of a bicycle above the word "PARKING" above a left-pointing arrow.
D10-1 is shown as a narrow, vertical, rectangular, green reference location sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with the word "MILE" on the first line and the numeral "4" on the second line.
D10-1a is shown as a narrow, vertical, rectangular, green reference location sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with the word "MILE" on the first line and the numeral "4" on the second line above a horizontal white line that extends across the width of the sign. Below the line, the numeral ".3" is shown.
D10-2 is shown as a narrow, vertical, rectangular, green reference location sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with the word "MILE" on the first line, the numeral "4" on the second line, and the numeral "4" on the third line.
D10-2a is shown as a narrow, vertical, rectangular, green reference location sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with the word "MILE" on the first line, the numeral "4" on the second line, and the numeral "4" on the third line above a horizontal white line that extends across the width of the sign. Below the line, the numeral ".8" is shown.
D10-3 is shown as a narrow, vertical, rectangular, green reference location sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with the word "MILE" on the first line, the numeral "4" on the second line, the numeral "4" on the third line, and the numeral "4" on the fourth line.
D10-3a is shown as a narrow, vertical, rectangular, green reference location sign with a white border and legend. It is shown with the word "MILE" on the first line, the numeral "4" on the second line, the numeral "4" on the third line, and the numeral "4" on the fourth line above a horizontal white line that extends across the width of the sign. Below the line, the numeral ".9" is shown.
Continue to: Sheet 2