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2009 Edition Part 9 Figure 9C-4. Example of Bicycle Lane Treatment at a Right Turn Only Lane

Full-size image of Figure 9C-4

Figure 9C-4. Example of Bicycle Lane Treatment at a Right Turn Only Lane

This figure illustrates an example of bicycle lane treatment at a right turn only lane.

The figure shows the northbound half of a vertical two-way roadway. The centerline is shown as a solid double yellow line. To the right of the yellow lines, two lanes are shown separated from each other by a broken white line. At the top of the figure, a horizontal white stop line is shown extending across all lanes to the right of the centerline. At the bottom of the figure, to the right of these two lanes, a narrower lane is shown, separated from the adjacent lane by a solid white line and shown with a white symbol of a bicycle shown marked on the pavement in advance of a white forward-pointing arrow shown marked on the pavement in this narrower lane. One-third from the bottom of the figure, the roadway edge is shown flaring to the right as an additional lane is shown to the right of the narrow lane. In this rightmost lane, the word "ONLY" in white is shown marked on the pavement in advance of a white right-turn arrow shown marked on the pavement.

From the point where the right edge of the roadway is shown flaring out to the right to the point where the full-width added lane is shown starting, a dotted white line is shown separating the rightmost lane from the narrow lane, and a dotted white line separating the through lane from the narrow lane. A note with two arrows pointing to both dotted lines states "Dotted lines (optional)." From the start of the full-width rightmost lane to the stop line, the lines separating the narrow lane from the adjacent through lane and from the rightmost lane are both shown as solid white lines.

At a point designated by a note "R4-4 at beginning of right turn only lane," an R4-4 sign is shown to the right of the roadway, facing northbound traffic. The sign is shown with the words "BEGIN RIGHT TURN LANE" on two lines, a diagonal arrow pointing down and to the left, and the words "YIELD TO BIKES." Next to the word "ONLY" marked on the pavement in the rightmost lane, an R3-7R sign is shown to the right of the roadway, facing northbound traffic. It is shown with the words "RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT" on three lines.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024