2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2A-1. Examples of Enhanced Conspicuity for Signs
Figure 2A-1. Examples of Enhanced Conspicuity for Signs
This figure shows six signs enhanced for better visibility, labeled A through F.
A is a W16-15P plaque above a regulatory or warning sign if the regulation or condition is new. This figure shows a yellow rectangular NEW plaque mounted above a standard symbolic "No Left Turn" regulatory sign.
B is red or orange flags above a regulatory, warning, or guide sign. This figure shows two red flags placed at the upper corners of a Speed Limit sign at 45-degree angles toward the outside edge.
C is a notice plaque above a regulatory sign. This figure shows a yellow rectangular header panel with the legend "NOTICE" mounted above a standard regulatory sign with the legend "Weight Limit 10 Tons."
D is a solid yellow, solid fluorescent yellow, or diagonally striped black and yellow (or black and fluorescent yellow) strip of retroreflective sheeting around a warning sign. This figure shows a striped border around the perimeter of an Exit Speed warning sign.
E is a vertical retroreflective strip on a sign support. The figure shows a vertical red strip on entire length of the sign support for a Stop sign.
F is a supplemental beacon.The figure shows a round yellow beacon mounted above an intersection warning sign.