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2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2B-3. Speed Limit and Photo Enforcement Signs and Plaques

Full-size image of Figure 2A-2

Figure 2B-3. Speed Limit and Photo Enforcement Signs and Plaques

This figure shows 17 speed limit and photo enforcement signs and plaques.

R2-1 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. The words"SPEED LIMIT" are shown on two lines above the numerals"50."

R2-2P is shown as a square white plaque with a black border and legend. The word "TRUCKS"is shown above the numerals "40."

R2-3P is shown as a square black plaque with a white border and legend. The word "NIGHT"is shown above the numerals "45."

R2-4P is shown as a vertical rectangular white plaque with a black border and legend. The words"MINIMUM SPEED" are shown on two lines above the numerals"40."

R2-4a is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. The words"SPEED LIMIT" are shown on two lines above the numerals"50," which are shown above the word "MINIMUM" on one line above the numerals "30."

R2-5P is shown as a horizontal rectangular white plaque with a black border and the words "UNLESSOTHERWISE POSTED" in black on three lines.

R2-5aP is shown as a small horizontal rectangular supplementary white plaque with a black border and the word "CITYWIDE" in black.

R2-5bP is shown as a small horizontal rectangular supplementary white plaque with a black border and the word "NEIGHBORHOOD" in black.

R2-5cP is shown as a small horizontal rectangular supplementary white plaque with a black border and the word "RESIDENTIAL" in black.

R2-6P is shown as a horizontal rectangular white plaque with a black border and the words "FINES HIGHER"in black on two lines.

R2-6aP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white plaque with a black border and the words "FINES DOUBLE"in black on two lines.

R2-6bP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white plaque with a black border and the words "$150 FINE"in black on two lines.

R2-10 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "BEGINHIGHER FINES ZONE" in black on four lines.

R2-11 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "ENDHIGHER FINES ZONE" in black on four lines.

R10-18 is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. A symbol of a head-on camera is shown above the words "TRAFFIC LAWS PHOTOENFORCED" on two lines.

R10-19P is shown as a small horizontal rectangular white plaque with a black border and a symbol of a head-on camera in black.

R10-19aP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white plaque with a black border and the words "PHOTO ENFORCED" in black on two lines.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024