2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2E-38. Examples of Guide Signs for a Diamond Interchange
Figure 2E-38. Examples of Guide Signs for a Diamond Interchange
This figure shows examples of guide signs for a diamond interchange.
This figure shows segments of two roadways, I-47 running vertically and an unnamed roadway running horizontally. The interchange between the two is shown as a diamond-shaped ramp configuration located approximately at reference location sign 44 on I-47. At the top left of the figure, a black capital letter "N" is shown superimposed on an upward-pointing vertical black arrow, denoting the compass direction. At the bottom of the figure, a note states "See Figures 2D-11 through 2D-13 for examples of crossroad signing for one-lane approaches and examples of multi-lane crossroad signing for diamond interchanges."
A series of ten signs and sign assemblies are shown along the vertical highway. The direction of travel is from the bottom of the figure to the middle and from the top to the middle. Off-route movement is to the right of the highway. Except as noted, all signs and sign assemblies are horizontal rectangular green signs with white borders and lettering. They are shown to the right of the highway, unless otherwise noted.
On northbound I-47, seven signs or sign assemblies are shown:
- At the bottom of the figure, the first sign is shown near reference location sign 43, which is shown in the median between the northbound and southbound lanes. It shows the word "Dacono" on the top line, the word "Hudson" on the middle line, and the words "1 MILE" on the bottom line. A smaller horizontal rectangular green plaque is shown above the top right side of the sign and shows the words "EXIT 44."
- The second sign and its accompanying plaque are shown farther north and identical to the first sign, except the words "1/2 MILE" are shown on the bottom line instead of the words "1 MILE."
- The third sign is shown just prior to the widening of the northbound highway for a deceleration lane. It is shown with the word "Dacono" on the top line, the word "Hudson" on the middle line, and a diagonal arrow pointing up and to the right on the bottom line. A smaller horizontal rectangular green plaque is shown above the top right side of the sign with the words "EXIT 44."
- The fourth sign is shown in the gore between the freeway and the exit ramp (which is the lower right branch of the diamond). It is shown with the word "EXIT" on the top line and the numeral "44" to the left of a diagonal arrow pointing up and to the right on the bottom line. Farther north on I-47 and prior to the crossover over the unnamed horizontal roadway, reference location sign 44 is shown in the median between the northbound and southbound lanes.
- The fifth sign is shown just before the exit ramp intersects the unnamed horizontal road. It is shown with a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of the word "Dacono" on the top line, a horizontal white dividing line, and the word "Hudson" to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow on the bottom line.
- The sixth sign is shown beyond the interchange, farther north on I-47. It is shown as a red and blue Interstate route shield for I-47. Above it, a plaque is shown with the word "NORTH" in white letters and a white border on a blue background.
- At the top of the figure, the seventh sign is shown with the word "Newport" to the left of the numeral "4" on the top line and the word "Jackson" to the left of the numeral "40" on the bottom line. The final digits of each numeral are shown aligned vertically near the right edge of the sign.
On southbound I-47, three signs are shown:
- At the top of the figure, the first sign is shown just prior to the widening of the southbound highway for a deceleration lane. It is shown with the word "Dacono" on the top line, the word "Hudson" on the middle line, and a diagonal arrow pointing up and to the right on the bottom line. A smaller horizontal rectangular green plaque is shown above the top right side of the sign with the words "EXIT 44."
- The second sign is shown in the gore between the freeway and the exit ramp (which is the upper right branch of the diamond.) This sign is the same as the fourth sign on northbound I-47.
- The third sign is shown just before the exit ramp intersects the unnamed horizontal road. It is shown with a left-pointing horizontal arrow to the left of the word "Hudson" on the top line, a horizontal white dividing line, and the word "Dacono" to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow on the bottom line.