2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2G-16. Examples of Guide Signs for a Direct Access Ramp between HOV Lanes on Separate Freeways
Figure 2G-16. Examples of Guide Signs for a Direct Access Ramp between HOV Lanes on Separate Freeways
This figure shows an example of guide signs for a direct access ramp between HOV lanes on separate freeways.
A legend shows a black arrow indicating the direction of travel on the highway.
The figure shows segments of a vertical HOV lane, labeled "I-45 NB HOV Lane." An exit ramp, labeled "Ramp to I-10 WB HOV Lane or I-10 WB General Purpose Lanes," is shown curving to the left from the HOV lane, which continues straight ahead. Three white HOV diamond symbols are shown on the road surface. The direction of travel is from the bottom to the top of the figure.
A series of six signs and sign assemblies are shown from the bottom to the top of the figure:
- The first sign is shown mounted over the HOV lane and is shown with the notes: "For access-restricted facilities (all direct exits displayed are to the left)." It is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The top portion of the sign is shown as a white panel with a white diamond outline symbol on a vertical rectangular black panel to the left of the words "HOV EXITS" in black. This panel is shown above a red and blue Interstate shield for I-10 on the top line to the left of the word "WEST," which is to the left of the numeral "2" and, on the bottom line, the numeral "6" in black on a white disk to the left of the numeral "6." The numerals are shown vertically aligned near the right edge of the sign. A smaller horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with a black border and the word "LEFT" in black is shown above the top left of the sign. To the right of this sign is shown the word "OR" and another sign, which is the same as the other sign except that the yellow plaque above the sign is deleted and replaced by a yellow panel with the word "EXIT" between the word "WEST" and the numeral "2," and the parenthetical note is replaced by"(not all direct exits displayed are to the left)."
- The second sign assembly is shown mounted over the HOV lane. It is shown at a dimensioned distance of ½ mile prior to the third sign. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The top portion of the sign is shown as a white panel with a white diamond outline symbol on a vertical rectangular black panel to the left of the words "HOV EXITS" in black. This panel is shown above a red and blue Interstate shield for I-10 to the left of the word "WEST" centered on the top line above the words "1 MILE" centered on the bottom line. A smaller horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with a black border and the word "LEFT" in black is shown above the top left side of the sign. A white HOV diamond symbol is shown on the road surface between the second and third sign assemblies.
- The third sign assembly is shown mounted over the HOV lane. It is shown at a dimensioned distance of ½ mile in advance of the beginning of the left exit ramp. It is shown as the same sign assembly as the second sign assembly except the words "1/2 MILE" are shown instead of the words "1 MILE."
- The fourth and fifth sign assemblies are shown in a horizontal array over the left exit ramp and the HOV through lane, respectively. They are shown at the gore where the two lanes split. A dotted white line is shown across the HOV left exit ramp and ending at the gore. The fourth sign assembly, on the left, is shown as the same as the second sign assembly except a short diagonal arrow pointing up and to the left is shown instead of the words "1 MILE." The fifth sign, on the right, is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The top portion of the sign is shown as a white panel with a white diamond outline symbol on a vertical rectangular black panel to the left of the words "HOV LANE" in black. This panel is shown above a red and blue Interstate shield for I-45 to the left of the word "NORTH" centered on the top line above a short downward-pointing vertical arrow centered on the bottom line.
- The sixth sign is shown mounted in the gore between the HOV left exit ramp and the HOV through lane. It is shown as an E8-4 sign, shown as a vertical rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The top third of the sign is shown as a black panel with a white diamond outline symbol centered horizontally. This panel is shown above the word "EXIT," which is above a diagonal arrow pointing up and to the left.
Beyond the gore, a white HOV diamond symbol is shown on the road surface of both the HOV left exit ramp and the HOV through lane.
The following notes are included:
- See Chapter 3D for pavement markings.
- Sign locations are approximate.
- If vehicle occupancy levels vary between HOV facilities, then the occupancy level should be added to guide signs.
- The HOV facility could be barrier-separated, buffer-separated, or contiguous.