2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2G-28. Example of Guide Signs for a Direct Entrance Ramp to a Priced Managed Lane and Trailblazing to a Nearby Entrance to the General-Purpose Lanes
Figure 2G-28. Example of Guide Signs for a Direct Entrance Ramp to a Priced Managed Lane and Trailblazing to a Nearby Entrance to the General-Purpose Lanes
This figure shows an example of guide signs for a direct entrance ramp to a priced managed lane and trailblazing to a nearby entrance to the general-purpose lanes.
The figure shows I-86 running vertically, an unnamed vertical roadway to the right of and parallel to I-86, and two unnamed roadways running horizontally, one near the bottom of the figure and one near the top. I-86 is shown as a divided highway with two roadways traveling to the from the bottom to the top of the figure and two roadways traveling from the top to the bottom. The right roadway for both directions are labeled as general purpose lanes, and the left roadway as managed lanes. The interchange between the vertical I-86 and the horizontal roadway near the bottom of the figure is shown as a partial cloverleaf above the horizontal roadway. The interchange between the vertical I-86 and the horizontal roadway near the top of the figure is shown with a direct entrance ramp above the roadway to the I-86 managed lane traveling toward the top of the figure and with a direct exit ramp from the I-86 managed lane traveling toward the bottom of the figure to the horizontal roadway.
The figure shows nine signs and sign assemblies on the two horizontal roadways and the one parallel vertical roadway:
- The first sign is shown on the right side of the horizontal roadway near the top of the figure. It is shown to the left of the vertical I-86 and facing the direction of travel from left to right. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign. The top part of the sign is shown as a purple panel with an Toll Pass logo to the left of the word "ONLY" in black on a white rectangle. This panel is shown above a horizontal white line that extends from the left border to the right border. Below this dividing line, a red and blue Interstate shield for I-86 is shown below the word "WEST" and to the left of the words "EXPRESS LANE" on the top line above a left-pointing horizontal arrow centered on the bottom line.
- The second sign is shown on the left side of the horizontal roadway near the top of the figure. It is shown at the entrance to the vertical I-86 express lane traveling from the bottom to the top of the figure and is shown facing the direction of travel from left to right. It is shown as a vertical rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The purple Toll Pass logo is shown on the top line, the word "ONLY" in black on a white rectangle is shown on the second line, a red and blue Interstate shield for I-86 below the word "WEST" is shown on the third line, the words "EXPRESS LANE " are shown on the fourth and fifth lines, and a short diagonal arrow pointing down and to the left is shown on the bottom line.
- The third sign assembly is shown on the right side of the horizontal roadway near the top of the figure and to the right of the vertical I-86. It is shown facing the direction of travel from left to right and is shown to the right of the vertical I-86 facing the direction of travel from left to right. It is shown as a sign assembly composed of a horizontal rectangular blue plaque with a white border and the word "TO" in white. This plaque is shown above a horizontal rectangular blue plaque with a white border and the word "WEST" in white. This plaque is shown above a red and blue Interstate shield for I-86. The Interstate shield is shown above a horizontal rectangular blue plaque with a white border and a short vertical arrow pointing straight ahead.
- The fourth sign assembly is shown to the right of the horizontal roadway near the top of the figure, beyond the third sign and in advance of the intersection with the parallel vertical roadway. It is shown facing the direction of travel from left to right. It is shown as the same sign assembly as the third sign assembly except a right-facing horizontal arrow is shown instead of a vertical arrow pointing straight ahead.
- The fifth sign assembly is shown to the left of the parallel vertical roadway between the two horizontal roadways. It is shown facing the direction of travel from the top of the figure to the bottom. It is shown as the same sign assembly as the fourth sign assembly.
- The sixth sign is shown on the right side of the horizontal roadway near the bottom of the figure and to the right of the vertical I-86. It is shown at the partial cloverleaf entrance to the I-86 general purpose lane with the direction of travel from the bottom of the page to the top. The sign is shown facing the direction of travel from right to left. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The word "EAST" above a short vertical arrow pointing straight ahead is shown to the left of a red and blue Interstate shield for I-86 to the left of the word "WEST" above a right-pointing horizontal arrow. Below this legend, a horizontal white line is shown that extends from the left border to the right border. Below this dividing line, a short vertical arrow pointing straight ahead is shown to the left of the word "Providence." Below this legend, another horizontal white line is shown that extends from the left border to the right border. Below this dividing line, the word "Hartford" is shown to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow.
The second series of four signs is shown guiding traffic to the I-86 West Express lane from the horizontal roadway near the bottom of the figure:
- The first sign is shown to the right of the horizontal roadway near the bottom of the figure. It is shown to the right of the vertical I-86 and opposite the partial cloverleaf entrance to the I-86 general purpose lane with a direction of travel from the bottom of the figure to the top. It is shown facing the direction of travel from left to right. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. A red and blue Interstate shield for I-86 is shown to the left of the word "WEST" on the top line, the word "Hartford" is shown on the middle line, and a left-pointing horizontal arrow is shown on the bottom line.
- The second sign is shown on the horizontal roadway near the bottom of the figure, near the intersection with the parallel vertical roadway. It is shown facing the direction of travel from left to right. It is shown on a vertical rectangular green sign with white border and legend. The word "TO" is shown on the top line, the word "WEST" is shown on the second line, a red and blue Interstate shield for I-86 is shown on the third line, the words "EXPRESS LANE" are shown on the fourth and fifth lines, and a left-pointing horizontal arrow is shown on the bottom line.
- The third sign is shown on the vertical parallel roadway between the two horizontal roadways. It is shown near the intersection with the horizontal roadway near the top of the figure, and is shown facing the direction of travel from bottom to top. It is shown as identical to the second sign in this series.
- The fourth sign is shown on the right side of the horizontal roadway near the top of the figure and at the entrance to the vertical I-86 express lane with a direction of travel from the bottom of the figure to the top. It is shown facing the direction of travel from right to left. It is shown as the same sign as the first sign in the first series of six signs except a right-pointing horizontal arrow is shown instead of a left-pointing arrow.