2009 Edition Part 3 Figure 3B-10. Examples of Applications of Freeway and Expressway Lane-Drop Markings (Sheet 4 of 5)
Figure 3B-10. Examples of Applications of Freeway and Expressway Lane-Drop Markings (Sheet 4 of 5)
This figure illustrates five examples of freeway and expressway lane-drop markings. The figure is composed of five sheets.
Sheet 4 shows a figure labeled "D – Route split with dedicated lanes." A legend shows a black arrow indicating the direction of travel in the lanes.
The figure shows a vertical highway with four lanes of one direction of a divided highway, two lanes of which split to the left and two that split to the right. Arrows indicate that the direction of travel is from the bottom of the figure to the top. A solid yellow line is shown to the left of the leftmost lane, a solid white line is shown to the right of the rightmost lane, and the through lanes are shown separated from each other by a broken white line.
Near the bottom of the figure, the two leftmost lanes are shown separated from the two rightmost lanes by a wide dotted white lane line. It is shown changing to a solid white line in advance of the theoretical gore. It is labeled as a "wide solid white lane line (optional, variable length) or wide dotted white lane line." The distance from the beginning of the dotted white lane line to the theoretical gore is shown as a dimension of 1/2 mile MIN, and the distance from the beginning of the solid white lane line to the theoretical gore is shown as a dimension that varies. The solid white lane line splits into two white channelizing lines that then form a white triangle or neutral area in front of the physical gore between the left and right lanes. This triangle is shown with "optional white chevron markings in the neutral area." Beyond the physical gore, two through lanes curve to the left and two to the right, with broken white lines separating the through lanes. Arrows indicate the direction of travel on lanes.