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2009 Edition Part 4 Figure 4C-9. Warrant 9, Intersection Near a Grade Crossing (One Approach Lane at the Track Crossing)

Full-size image of Figure 4C-9

Figure 4C-9. Warrant 9, Intersection Near a Grade Crossing (One Approach Lane at the Track Crossing)

This figure shows a graph depicting Warrant 9, Intersection Near a Grade Crossing (One Approach Lane at the Track Crossing). The figure displays six curves for different distances: 130 ft, 110 ft, 90 ft, 70 ft, 50 ft, and 30 ft. An inset illustration shows vertical railroad tracks crossing a horizontal minor street that intersects a vertical major street east of the railroad tracks. The minor street is shown with one lane in each direction. "D" is shown as the dimensioned distance from 6 ft to the east of the railroad tracks to the minor street stop line at the intersection with the major street.

The table below shows the approximate vehicles per hour (VPH) after applying the adjustment factors in Tables 4C-2, 4C-3, and/or 4C-4, if appropriate, on the major street and VPH for the minor street, crossing approach equivalent.


Table for Figure 4C-9
D = 130 ft D = 110 ft D = 90 ft D = 70 ft D = 50 ft D = 30 ft
VPH on the major street (Total of both approaches) VPH on the minor street, crossing approach equivalent** VPH on the major street (Total of both approaches) VPH on the minor street, crossing approach equivalent** VPH on the major street (Total of both approaches) VPH on the minor street, crossing approach equivalent** PPH for total of all pedestrians crossing the major street VPH on the minor street, crossing approach equivalent** VPH on the major street (Total of both approaches) VPH on the minor street, crossing approach equivalent** VPH on the major street (Total of both approaches) VPH on the minor street, crossing approach equivalent**
800 25* 800 25* 800 25* 800 25* 800 25* 800 25*
700 25* 700 25* 700 25* 700 25* 700 25* 700 25*
600 25* 600 25* 600 25* 600 25* 600 25* 600 25*
500 25* 500 25* 500 25* 500 25* 500 25* 500 25*
400 45 400 45 400 45 400 27 400 25* 400 25*
300 60 300 55 300 55 300 45 300 25* 300 25*
200 140 200 110 200 100 200 70 200 25* 200 25*
100 190 100 160 100 145 100 125 100 50 100 30
50 225 50 190 50 160 50 145 50 70 50 60

* Note: 25 vph applies as the lower threshold volume

** VPH after applying the adjustment factors in Tables 4C-2, 4C-3, and/or 4C-4, if appropriate

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