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2009 Edition Chapter 5E. Markings

Section 5E.01 Introduction

01 The purpose of markings on highways is to provide guidance and information for road users regarding roadway conditions and restrictions.

02 The provisions for markings and delineators, in general, are contained in Part 3 and in other Sections of this Manual. Provisions for markings that are specific to low-volume roads are contained in this Chapter.

Section 5E.02 Center Line Markings

01 Where center line markings are installed, no-passing zone markings in compliance with Section 3B.02 shall also be installed.

02 center line markings should be used on paved low-volume roads consistent with the principles of this Manual and with the policies and practices of the road agency and on the basis of either an engineering study or the application of engineering judgment.

03 Center line markings may be placed on highways with or without edge line markings.

Section 5E.03 Edge Line Markings

01 The purpose of edge line markings is to delineate the left-hand or right-hand edge of the roadway.

02 Edge line markings should be considered for use on paved low-volume roads based on engineering judgment or an engineering study.

03 Edge line markings may be placed on highways with or without center line markings.

04 Edge line markings may be placed on paved low-volume roads for roadway features such as horizontal curves, narrow bridges, pavement width transitions, curvilinear alignment, and at other locations based on engineering judgment or an engineering study.

Section 5E.04 Delineators

01 The purpose of delineators is to enhance driver safety where it is desirable to call attention to a changed or changing condition such as abrupt roadway narrowing or curvature.

02 Delineators may be used on low-volume roads based on engineering judgment, such as for curves, T-intersections, and abrupt changes in the roadway width. In addition, they may be used to mark the location of driveways or other minor roads entering the low-volume road.

Section 5E.05 Other Markings

01 Other markings, such as stop lines, crosswalks, pavement legends, channelizing devices, and islands, used on low-volume roads shall comply with the provisions contained in this Manual.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024