2009 Edition Part 6 Figure 6F-4. Warning Signs and Plaques in Temporary Traffic Control Zones (Sheet 1 of 3)
Figure 6F-4. Warning Signs and Plaques in Temporary Traffic Control Zones (Sheet 1 of 3)
This figure shows 89 warning signs and plaques used in temporary traffic control zones. They are orange with black borders and legends. This figure is composed of three sheets.
Sheet 1 contains 30 figures.
W1-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a right-angled black arrow pointing up and to the right.
W1-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a black arrow curving up and to the right.
W1-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow with a 90-degree turn to the right and then a 90-degree turn to the left, straightening to a vertical direction.
W1-4 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow that slants diagonally up and to the right and then straightens to a vertical direction.
W1-4b is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows two side-by-side upward-pointing black arrows that slant diagonally up and to the right and then straighten to a vertical direction.
W1-4c is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows three side-by-side upward-pointing black arrows that slant diagonally up and to the right and then straighten to a vertical direction.
W1-6 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign. It shows a large horizontal black arrow pointing to the left.
W1-8 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign. It shows a large black chevron arrow pointing to the left.
W3-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow above an octagonal red STOP sign symbol.
W3-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow above a downward-pointing equilateral triangular red and white YIELD sign symbol.
W3-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a symbol of a vertical traffic signal with red, yellow, and green circular lights.
W3-4 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "BE PREPARED TO STOP" on three lines.
W3-5 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow above a symbol of a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "SPEED LIMIT 45" in black on three lines.
W3-5a is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "45 MPH SPEED ZONE AHEAD" on three lines.
W4-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a black arrow pointing up and a curved line joining the bottom shaft of the arrow on the right side.
W4-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped lane ends sign. It shows a thick, vertical straight line on the left; a thick, vertical line on the right that angles toward the left half way up; and a thin, short vertical dotted line between them that is the length of the vertical section of the line on the right.
W4-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped added lane sign. It shows an arrow pointing up to the left of a dividing line that changes from solid to dotted and a curved arrow to the right of the dotted line.
W4-5 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a diagonal black arrow pointing up and to the right with a curved line joining the bottom shaft of the arrow on the right side.
W4-5P is shown as a vertical rectangular plaque with the words "NO MERGE AREA" on three lines.
W4-6 is shown as a diamond-shaped added lane sign. It shows a diagonal arrow pointing up and to the right to the left of a diagonal dividing line that changes from solid to dotted and a curved arrow at the right of the dotted line.
W5-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "ROAD NARROWS" on two lines.
W5-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "NARROW BRIDGE" on two lines.
W5-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "ONE LANE BRIDGE" on two lines.
W5-4 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "RAMP NARROWS" on two lines.
W6-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. At the top of the sign, a depiction of the plan view of the nose of a traffic island is shown. A vertical downward-pointing arrow is shown to the left of the island, curving to depict movement to the left of the nose of the island. A vertical upward-pointing arrow is shown to the right of the island, curving to depict movement to the right of the nose of the island.
W6-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. At the bottom of the sign, a depiction of the plan view of the nose of a traffic island is shown. A vertical downward-pointing arrow is shown to the left of the island, curving to depict movement to the left of the nose of the island. A vertical upward-pointing arrow is shown to the right of the island, curving to depict movement to the right of the nose of the island.
W6-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a vertical downward-pointing arrow to the left of a vertical upward-pointing arrow.
W6-4 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign. It shows a vertical downward-pointing arrow to the left of a vertical upward-pointing arrow.
W7-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a black symbol of a truck pointing to the left and down on a ramp that slopes up from left to right.
W7-3aP is shown as a horizontal rectangular plague with the words "NEXT 7 MILES" on two lines.
W8-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the word "BUMP."