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2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2C-1. Horizontal Alignment Signs and Plaques

Full-size image of Figure 2C-1

Figure 2C-1. Horizontal Alignment Signs and Plaques

This figure shows 23 horizontal alignment signs and plaques. They are yellow with black borders and legends.

W1-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with a right-angled arrow pointing up and to the left.

W1-1a is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with a right-angled arrow pointing up and to the right over the numerals "25."

W1-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an arrow curving up and to the left.

W1-2a is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an arrow curving up and to the right over the numerals "35."

W1-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an upward-pointing arrow with a 90-degree turn to the left and then a 90-degree turn to the right, straightening to a vertical direction.

W1-4 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an upward-pointing arrow that slants diagonally up and to the left and then straightens to a vertical direction.

W1-5 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an upward-pointing arrow that curves sharply to the right, to the left, to the right, and then straightens to a vertical direction.

W1-6 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with a large horizontal arrow pointing to the left.

W1-8 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with a large chevron arrow pointing to the left.

W1-10 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an arrow curving up and to the right with a short diagonal line intersecting the curve on the left.

W1-10a is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an arrow curving up and to the right with a horizontal line bisecting the straight shaft of the arrow.

W1-10b is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an arrow curving up and to the right with a short vertical line intersecting the shaft of the arrow as it curves to the right.

W1-10c is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an arrow curving up and to the right with a diagonal line intersecting the shaft of the arrow on the left as it curves to the right.

W1-10d is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an upward-pointing arrow that slants diagonally up and to the right and then straightens to a vertical direction with a short diagonal line intersecting the straight shaft of the arrow on the left before it straightens.

W1-10e is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an upward-pointing arrow that slants diagonally up and to the right and then straightens to a vertical direction with a diagonal line intersecting the straight shaft of the arrow before it straightens.

A Note states: "Turn arrows and reverse turn arrows may be substituted for the curve arrows and reverse curve arrows on the W1-10 series signs where appropriate."

W1-11 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an arrow curving to the right and down to form a semicircle.

W1-13 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an arrow curving to the right and down over a symbol of a truck tipped to the left at a 45-degree angle.

W1-15 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an arrow curving to the right and down and back upon itself in a circle.

W13-1P is shown as a square plaque with the legend "35 MPH" on two lines, with "35" in large numerals.

W13-2 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign. It shows the word "EXIT" above a horizontal dividing line. Below the line, the legend "25 MPH," with "25" in large numerals, is shown on two lines.

W13-3 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign. It shows the word "RAMP" above a horizontal dividing line. Below this line, the legend "35 MPH," with "35" in large numerals, is shown on two lines.

W13-6 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign. It shows the word "EXIT" above a horizontal dividing line. Below this line, an arrow is shown curving to the right and down to form a loop. It is above the legend "25 MPH," with "25" in large numerals, shown on two lines.

W13-7 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign. It shows the word "RAMP" above a horizontal dividing line. Below this line, an arrow is shown curving to the right and down to form a loop. It is above the legend "25 MPH," with"25" in large numerals, shown on two lines.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024