2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2G-15. Examples of Guide Signs for Direct HOV Lane Entrance and Exit Ramps
Figure 2G-15. Examples of Guide Signs for Direct HOV Lane Entrance and Exit Ramps
This figure shows an example of guide signs for direct HOV lane entrance and exit ramps.
A legend shows a black arrow indicating the direction of travel on the highway.
The figure shows a horizontal two-way local street with entrance and exit access from the north to HOV lanes on a vertical highway. The vertical highway is shown as a divided highway with one HOV lane to the left of three general purpose lanes in each direction. A double white line is shown separating the HOV lane from the leftmost general purpose lane in each direction. In advance of the horizontal local street, a left exit lane is shown added to the left of the northbound HOV lane and exiting to the local street. White HOV diamond symbols are shown marked on the HOV lanes. With the word "EXIT" marked in white beyond the HOV diamond symbol on the southbound lanes, an exit ramp from the horizontal local street is shown being added to the left of the southbound HOV lane. These entrance and exit lanes are shown separated by yellow chevron markings to the left of each exit lane, and a solid barrier is shown separating them from each other. A dotted white line is shown separating the exit and entrance lanes from the HOV through lanes, changing to a theoretical gore composed of white chevron markings in advance of a solid barrier between the lanes.
The local street is shown with one lane in each direction separated by a solid double yellow line and a center lane flush median composed of solid double yellow lines and diagonal yellow lines. Midway in the eastbound lane, an intersection is shown of one lane that exits the local street to an HOV lane and one lane that enters the local street from the HOV lane. East of the intersection, a left-turn lane is shown in place of the center median. A dotted white line that changes to a solid white line is shown separating the left-turn lane from the through lane, and a white HOV diamond symbol is shown followed by a white left-turn arrow marked in the turn lane. A broken yellow line is shown curving from the solid double yellow lines to the solid yellow line on the left side of the HOV lane entrance ramp. A white HOV diamond symbol is shown marked on the pavement of the ramp from the local street to the southbound HOV lane. A white stop line is shown marked on the pavement of the ramp that exits the northbound HOV lane and intersects the local street.
Nine signs and sign assemblies are shown:
- At the bottom of the figure, the first sign assembly is shown mounted to over the northbound HOV lane. It is shown with the note: "For access-restricted facilities. Destinations may be augmented to accompany routes on Interchange Sequence signs (see Figure 2E-31)." It is shown at a dimensioned distance of 1 mile prior to the second sign. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The top portion of the sign is shown as a white panel with a white diamond outline symbol on a vertical rectangular black panel to the left of the words "HOV EXITS" in black. This panel is shown above a white disk with the numeral "6" in black to the left of the word "Addicks," to the left of the numeral "2" on the top line and a red and blue Interstate shield for I-10 to the left of the numeral "6" on the bottom line. A smaller horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with a black border and the word "LEFT" in black is shown above the top left side of the sign.
- The second sign assembly is shown mounted over the northbound HOV lane. It is shown at a dimensioned distance of ½ mile prior to the third sign. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The top portion of the sign is shown as a white panel with a white diamond outline symbol on a vertical rectangular black panel to the left of the words "HOV EXIT" in black. This panel is shown above a white disk with the numeral "6" in black centered on the top line, the word "Addicks" centered on the middle line, and the words "1 MILE" centered on the bottom line. A smaller horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with a black border and the word "LEFT" in black is shown above the top left side of the sign.
- The third sign assembly is shown mounted over the northbound HOV lane. It is shown at a dimensioned distance of ½ mile prior to the start of the tapered exit from the HOV lane to the local street. It is shown as the same sign assembly as the second sign assembly except the words "1/2 MILE" are shown instead of the words "1 MILE."
- The fourth and fifth sign assemblies are shown in a horizontal array mounted above the entrance to the HOV lane exit and the continuing HOV lane, respectively. The fourth sign assembly, on the left, is shown as the same sign assembly as the third sign assembly except the distance is not shown and a short diagonal arrow pointing up and to the left is shown to the left of the word "Addicks." The fifth sign, on the right, is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The top portion of the sign is shown as a white panel with a white diamond outline symbol on a vertical rectangular black panel to the left of the words "HOV LANE" in black. This panel is shown above a red and blue Interstate shield for I-45 to the left of the word "NORTH" above a downward-pointing vertical arrow.
- The sixth sign is shown mounted at the start of the barrier between the left HOV exit lane and the HOV through lane. It is shown as an E8-4 sign, shown as a vertical rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The top third of the sign is shown as a black panel with a white diamond outline symbol centered horizontally. This panel is shown above the word "EXIT," which is above a diagonal arrow pointing up and to the left.
- The seventh sign is shown on the right side of the local street, facing westbound traffic, at the start of the taper into the left turn lane from westbound to the entrance to the southbound HOV lane. It is shown as a vertical rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The top third of the sign is shown as a black panel with a white diamond outline symbol centered horizontally. This panel is shown above the word "SOUTH," a red and blue Interstate shield for I-45, the words "HOV LANE ENTRANCE," and a left-pointing horizontal arrow, on five lines.
- The eighth sign is shown on the southbound corner of the intersection of the local street with the HOV lane entrance/exit ramp. It is shown facing northeast, toward traffic in the westbound left turn lane. It is shown as the same sign as the seventh sign except that the left-pointing horizontal arrow is replaced with a diagonally-downward-to-the-left arrow.
- The ninth sign is shown on the right side of the local street, facing eastbound traffic, just prior to the west edge of the freeway. It is shown as the same sign as the seventh sign except that a right-pointing horizontal arrow is used.
The following notes are included:
- See Chapter 3D for pavement markings.
- Sign locations are approximate.
- The HOV facility could be barrier-separated, buffer-separated, or contiguous.