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2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2G-25. Example of Guide Signs for an Intermediate Exit from a Barrier- or Buffer-Separated Managed Lane

Full-size image of Figure 2G-25

Figure 2G-25. Example of Guide Signs for an Intermediate Exit from a Barrier- or Buffer-Separated Managed Lane

This figure shows an example of guide signs for an intermediate exit from a barrier- or buffer-separated managed lane.

A legend shows a black arrow indicating the direction of travel on the highway.

The figure shows a vertical highway as a divided highway with one managed lane to the left of a buffer or barrier to the left of three general purpose lanes. Broken white lines separate the general purpose lanes from each other. The word "EXPRESS" in white is shown marked several times on the pavement of the managed lane.

One-third from the bottom of the figure, a theoretical gore is shown extending from the barrier toward the north. It is shown composed of a white triangle formed by white channeling lines and white chevron markings, angling to the right. The theoretical gore is shown separating the managed lane from an exit lane that angles from the managed lane to the left general purpose lane. The exit lane continues north and is separated from the left general purpose lane by a dotted white line extending from the north end of the theoretical gore. It then is shown tapering to the right and into the left general purpose lane by the angle of a second theoretical gore shown extending from the southern end of a barrier at the top of the figure. This theoretical gore is shown separating the managed lane from the general purpose lanes. It is shown angling to the left and extending as a long narrow taper between the exit lane and managed lane.

At the top of the figure, the exit lane has tapered into the general purpose lanes and the one managed lane is shown to the left of a barrier or buffer to the left of the three general purpose lanes.

Four signs and sign assemblies are shown mounted over the managed lane:

  • At the bottom of the figure, the first sign is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It is shown at a dimensioned distance of ½ mile in advance of the second sign. The words "LOCAL EXITS" are shown above a horizontal white line that extends from the left border to the right. Below this dividing line, the black numeral "42" is shown on a white disk on the top line, the word "Ledgewood" is shown on the middle line, and the words "1 MILE" are shown on the bottom line. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This sign is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The words "LOCAL EXITS," "28 to 34," and "1 mile" are shown on three lines.
  • The second sign is shown at a dimensioned distance of 1/2 mi in advance of the third and fourth signs. It is shown as identical to the first sign except the words "1/2 MILE" are shown instead of the words "1 MILE." To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. It is shown as identical to the alternate first sign except the words "1/2 MILE" are shown instead of the words "1 MILE."
  • The third and fourth signs are shown in a horizontal array extending over the managed lane and the exit lane from the managed lane to the general purpose lanes. They are shown at the theoretical gore where the exit lane diverges from the managed lane. A dotted white line is shown across the exit lane and ending at the gore. The third sign is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The words "EXPRESS LANE" are shown above a horizontal white line that extends from the left border to the right. Below this dividing line, a red and blue Interstate shield for I-80 is shown to the left of the word "EAST" centered on the top line above a short downward-pointing vertical arrow. Below this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with white letters and border. The words " EXPRESS LANE" are shown on two lies where a short downward-pointing vertical arrow. The fourth sign is shown as identical to the first sign except a short diagonal arrow pointing up and to the right is shown instead of the words "1 MILE." Below this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. It is shown as identical to the first alternate sign except short diagonal arrow pointing up and to the right is shown instead of the words "1 MILE."

The following notes are included:

  1. For an exit on the left-hand side from a managed lane, the same signing sequence would be used with adjustments made to sign messages.
  2. Geometry is for illustrative purposes only. Use locally applied geometric criteria.
  3. See Chapter 3D for pavement markings.
  4. Warning signs are not shown.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024