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2009 Edition Chapter 5D. Guide Signs

Section 5D.01 Introduction

01 The purpose of a guide sign is to inform road users regarding positions, directions, destinations, and routes.

02 The provisions for guide signs, in general, are contained in Chapters 2D through 2N and in other Sections of this Manual. Provisions for guide signs that are specific to low-volume roads are contained in this Chapter.

03 The familiarity of the road users with the road should be considered in determining the need for guide signs on low-volume roads.

04 Low-volume roads generally do not require guide signs to the extent that they are needed on higher classes of roads. Because guide signs are typically only beneficial as a navigational aid for road users who are unfamiliar with a low-volume road, guide signs might not be needed on low-volume roads that serve only local traffic.

05 If used, destination names should be as specific and descriptive as possible. Destinations such as campgrounds, ranger stations, recreational areas, and the like should be clearly indicated so that they are not interpreted to be communities or locations with road user services.

06 Guide signs may be used at intersections to provide information for road users returning to a higher class of roads.

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