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2009 Edition Part 8 Figure 8D-1. Example of Signing and Markings for a Pathway Grade Crossing

Full-size image of Figure 8D-1

Figure 8D-1. Example of Signing and Markings for a Pathway Grade Crossing

This figure illustrates an example of signing and markings for a pathway grade crossing.

The figure shows a vertical shared-use path intersecting two sets of horizontal railroad tracks at the top of the path. South of the bottom set of tracks, a sign assembly is shown to the right of the path, facing northbound path traffic. It is composed of an R15-1 Railroad Crossing crossbuck sign mounted above an R15-2P inverted T-shaped plaque with the words "2 TRACKS" that is mounted above an R1-2 Yield sign OR an R1-1 Stop sign. A note states that Yield or Stop signs are used at passive crossings only. This sign assembly is shown to the left of an optional R15-8 sign showing a double-headed arrow and the word "LOOK." The sign assembly is shown adjacent to a solid white line that extends across the entire path. The sign assemblies and solid white line are shown as a dimensioned distance of 12 ft MIN in advance of the near edge of the bottom set of railroad tracks. South of the R15-1 sign assemblies, a white "X" with smaller white letter "R's" on each side of the "X" is shown marked and centered on the path pavement. The center of the "X" is shown as a dimensioned distance of 50 ft south of the sign assemblies. At the bottom of the path, a W10-1 round sign with an "X" and smaller letter "R's" on each side is shown to the right of the path, facing northbound path traffic. The W10-1 sign is shown as a dimensioned distance of 50 ft in advance of the center of the "X" marking.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024