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2009 Edition Part 9 Figure 9B-3. Warning Signs and Plaques and Object Markers for Bicycle Facilities

Full-size image of Figure 9B-3

Figure 9B-3. Warning Signs and Plaques and Object Markers for Bicycle Facilities

This figure illustrates 40 warning signs, plaques, and object markers for bicycle facilities.

W1-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a right-angled black arrow pointing up and to the left.

W1-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a black arrow curving up and to the left.

W1-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow with a 90-degree turn to the left and then a 90-degree turn to the right, straightening to a vertical direction.

W1-4 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow that slants diagonally up and to the left and then straightens to a vertical direction.

W1-5 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow that curves sharply to the right, to the left, to the right, and then straightens to a vertical direction.

W1-6 is shown as a horizontal rectangular yellow sign with a black border. It shows a large horizontal black arrow pointing to the left.

W1-7 is shown as a horizontal rectangular yellow sign with a black border. It shows a large horizontal two-direction black arrow.

W2-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a vertical black line bisecting a horizontal black line.

W2-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a vertical black line with a horizontal black line extending to the right from the middle of the vertical line.

W2-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a vertical black line with a diagonal black line extending up and to the right from the middle of the vertical line.

W2-4 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a black T-shaped symbol.

W2-5 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a black Y-shaped symbol.

W3-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow above an octagonal red Stop sign symbol.

W3-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow above a downward-pointing equilateral triangular red and white Yield sign symbol.

W3-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a symbol of a vertical traffic signal with red, yellow, and green circular lights.

W5-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows the words "NARROW BRIDGE" in black on two lines.

W5-4a is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows the words "BIKEWAY NARROWS" in black on two lines.

W7-5 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a black symbol of a bicycle pointing to the left and down on a ramp that slopes up from left to right.

W8-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows the word "BUMP" in black.

W8-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows the word "DIP" in black.

W8-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows the words "PAVEMENT ENDS" in black on two lines.

W8-10 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a black symbol of a bicycle at a slight angle pointing down and to the left. Two vertical wavy lines are shown extending down from the bicycle tires.

W8-10P is shown as a horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with a black border. It shows the words "SLIPPERY WHEN WET" in black on two lines. It is shown directly below the W8-10 sign.

W10-1 is shown as a round yellow sign with a black border. It shows a black "X" with a black "R" to the left and right of it.

W10-9P is shown as a horizontal rectangular plaque with the words "NO TRAIN HORN" on two lines.

W10-12 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with a symbol of a vertical roadway with a symbol of a diagonal railroad track across it.

W11-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a black symbol of a left-facing bicycle. A fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for this sign or plaque. The background color of the plaque should match the color of the warning sign that it supplements.

W11-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a black symbol of a left-facing walking person. A fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for this sign or plaque. The background color of the plaque should match the color of the warning sign that it supplements.

W11-15 sign is shown as a vertical rectangular yellow sign with a black border. It shows a black symbol of a left-facing bicycle above a black symbol of a left-facing walking person. A fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for this sign or plaque. The background color of the plaque should match the color of the warning sign that it supplements.

W11-15P sign is shown mounted directly below W11-15. W16-15P is shown as a horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with a black border. It shows the words "TRAIL X-ING" in black on two lines. A fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for this sign or plaque. The background color of the plaque should match the color of the warning sign that it supplements.

W12-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow above the notation 7'-6", which is above a downward-pointing black arrow.

W15-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped yellow sign with a black border. It shows a black symbol of two children on a seesaw. A fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for this sign or plaque. The background color of the plaque should match the color of the warning sign that it supplements.

W16-1P is shown as a vertical rectangular plaque with the words "SHARE THE ROAD" on three lines. A fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for this sign or plaque. The background color of the plaque should match the color of the warning sign that it supplements.

W16-2P is shown as a horizontal rectangular plaque with the words "500 FEET" on two lines. A fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for this sign or plaque. The background color of the plaque should match the color of the warning sign that it supplements.

W16-2aP is shown as a horizontal rectangular plaque with the words "500 FT" on one line. A fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for this sign or plaque. The background color of the plaque should match the color of the warning sign that it supplements.

W16-7P is shown as a horizontal rectangular supplemental plaque with a diagonal black arrow pointing down and to the left. A fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for this sign or plaque. The background color of the plaque should match the color of the warning sign that it supplements.

W16-9P is shown as a horizontal rectangular supplemental plaque with the word "AHEAD." A fluorescent yellow-green background color may be used for this sign or plaque. The background color of the plaque should match the color of the warning sign that it supplements.

OM-3L is shown as a vertical rectangle with diagonal alternating black and yellow stripes. The stripes are at a 45-degree angle beginning at the upper left and slanting down to the right.

OM-3C is shown as a vertical rectangle with diagonal alternating black and yellow stripes that form upward-pointing chevrons.

OM-3R is shown as a vertical rectangle with diagonal alternating black and yellow stripes. The stripes are at a 45-degree angle, beginning at the upper right and slanting down to the left. w stripes. The stripes are at a 45-degree angle beginning at the upper right and slanting down to the left.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024