Instructions on How to Use the New Features of the Hotlinks Version of the 2009 MUTCD (with Revisions 1 and 2 included)
- Internal Hotlinks: Easily navigate throughout the 2009 MUTCD using internal hotlinks. Anywhere in the document that another Part, Chapter, Section, Figure, Table, Page, or Appendix within the 2009 MUTCD is referenced, you can select this reference and be navigated to the referenced location within the document. To return to the page that had the hotlink, use the "Back" key on your keyboard, use the "Left Arrow" key while holding down the "Alt" key, or right-mouse-click and select "Previous View".
- Pop-up Definitions: Most of the words and phrases that are defined in Section 1A.13 have pop-up definitions throughout the 2009 MUTCD. Just hover over a word or phrase with your mouse to activate the pop-up definition.
- Links to external documents and web sites: Select in-text web site URLs and references to external documents, such as the "Roadside Design Guide," to open the web page or document in a new window.
- Official Interpretations: Official Interpretations issued by FHWA for the 2009 MUTCD are marked in the text. Look for the words "Offic. Interp." in the left margin and a blue outline around the section, paragraph, figure, or table to which the Interpretation applies. Hover your mouse over the blue-outlined box to see a pop-up text explaining the Official Interpretation. Select the blue-outlined box to see the web page for the interpretation.
- Known Errors: Known errors for the 2009 MUTCD document are marked in the text. Look for the words "Known Error" in the left margin and a blue outline around the section, paragraph, figure, or table that has an error. Select the blue-outlined box to go to the latest version of the List of Known Errors.