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Specific Service Signs:
Full Service Food Logo Panel MUTCD Experiment


Q8. Historically, each service has been limited to one sign. If the same service were listed on multiple signs, would that be very useful, somewhat useful, not very useful, or not at all useful? Not very/Not at all useful responses summarized.
Response Type Number of Respondents Percent of Open-Ended Responses
Not necessary – will see the sign first time 59 32%
Multiple signs would be too confusing 34 19%
Other 30 16%
Multiple signs would be too much to read 24 13%
I like the signs the way they are 19 10%
Multiple signs would be too repetitive 16 9%

Q10. How useful were these signs to you? Not very/Not at all useful responses summarized.
Response Type Number of Respondents Percent of Open-Ended Responses
Don't eat at full-service while traveling 8 42%
Other 4 21%
Prefer fast food while traveling 2 11%
Already had stopping plans 2 11%
Didn't understand sign 2 11%
Already knew full-service 1 5%

Q11. How useful do you think it would be to you to have full service restaurants listed on their own full service food interstate signs? Not very/Not at all useful responses summarized.
Response Type Number of Respondents Percent of Open-Ended Responses
Prefer fast food while traveling 32 25%
Already understand the difference 24 19%
Don't stop to eat while traveling 23 18%
Don't care about difference 21 17%
Too many signs/waste/poor aesthetics 13 10%
Other 8 6%
Don’t understand the difference 4 3%
Already planned all stops 2 2%

Q12. How useful do you think it would be to include full service restaurants on signs with other service types, such as camping, if there was free space on the camping sign? Not very/Not at all useful responses summarized.
Response Type Number of Respondents Percent of Open-Ended Responses
Too complicated/confusing 77 46%
Keep it simple/separate 34 20%
Other 21 12%
Don't eat on the road 13 8%
Keep the food signs already there 10 6%
Wouldn't look at Camping Sign 10 6%
Already planned stops 2 1%
Looking for fast food only 2 1%

Q13. When thinking of the food establishments included on the blue interstate signs in Virginia, what do you consider to be the primary differences in the services provided by those establishments on the standard food signs and those establishments on the full service food sign? Responses summarized.
Response Type Number of Respondents Percent of Open-Ended Responses
Standard: fast food, Full-service: sit-down 284 69%
Menu Variety/Quality/Service 36 9%
Gas/other services available at full service 27 7%
Time 26 6%
Other 23 6%
Price 9 2%
None 5 1%

Q15. Now, is there anything else you would like to tell me about interstate signs for food establishments that we have not already discussed? Responses summarized.
Type of Response Number of Respondents Percent of Open-Ended Responses
Put the distance/direction to the service on the interstate sign, not just the exit sign 59 37%
Make the signs easier to read (e.g. bigger, lights, clear trees, replace old signs) 20 12%
Include more restaurant information (e.g. hours, vegetarian options, pricing, showers, facilities for handicapped individuals) 16 10%
Update the signs more often/keep up with all the restaurants close to exit, including full-service 14 9%
Other 14 9%
Keep the signs the way they are 13 8%
Keep interstate signs to a minimum 9 6%
Limit the distance a service can be from the interstate to be on the sign 5 3%
Keep signs close to the exit/consider having two signs for each service 5 3%
Put more signs in urban areas 2 1%
Keep signs up in construction areas 1 1%
Have a separate service sign for car repair shops 1 1%
Place restaurant and gas station signs first 1 1%
Charge services to be listed on the sign 1 1%

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