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Full-size image of Figure 6H-35

Figure 6H-35. Mobile Operation on Multi-lane Road (TA-35)

This figure illustrates an example of mobile operation on a multilane road. A legend under the figure states that this is Typical Application 35. A note states "Note: See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 for the meaning of the symbols and/or letter codes used in this figure."

This figure shows one side of a vertical six-lane roadway with three travel lanes. Upward-pointing black arrows denote the direction of travel in each lane. The lanes are shown separated by broken white lines. A shoulder is shown to the left and right of the roadway. The left shoulder is shown separated from the left lane by a solid yellow line. The right shoulder is shown separated from the right lane by a solid white line.

Near the bottom of the figure, a work vehicle symbol is shown identified by a note as Shadow Vehicle 2. This vehicle is shown equipped with a horizontal rectangular black arrow panel with a directional yellow arrow pointing to the right and a truck-mounted attenuator labeled optional. The vehicle is shown facing north in the middle of the left shoulder. Also shown mounted on the back of Shadow Vehicle 2 is a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and the words "LEFT LANE CLOSED" in black. In the middle of the figure near the left side of the left lane, the symbol of a work vehicle is shown also facing north and identified by a note as Shadow Vehicle 1. This vehicle is shown equipped with a horizontal rectangular black arrow panel with a directional yellow arrow pointing to the right and a truck-mounted attenuator. Near the top of the figure, a symbol of a work vehicle is shown identified by a note as Work Vehicle with a truck-mounted attenuator labeled optional facing north near the left edge of the left lane.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024