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Standard Highway Signs (SHS), 2004 Edition, and 2012 Supplement

Introduction    2012 Supplement    2004 Edition    Additional Resources

Introduction, How to use the 2012 Supplement with the 2004 Edition

While the Federal Highway Administration completes the publication of the design details for the signs added in the 11th Edition of the MUTCD, the Phased Releases of new sign designs should be used along with the old designs contained in the 2004 Edition of SHS and the 2012 Supplement, until such time that the full publication is released.

The 2012 Supplement contains the new and revised sign designs adopted in the 2009 Edition of the MUTCD. Where a sign design is included in the 2012 Supplement, its previous design in the 2004 SHS is superseded. Together, these two documents are a companion to the 2009 Edition of the MUTCD. Once the 2024 Edition of SHS is released, the 2004 Edition of SHS and the 2012 Supplement will be superseded.

2012 Supplement to the 2004 Edition

Standard Highway Signs, 2004 Edition, English Version

PDF icon 2012 Supplement to the 2004 Edition

2004 Edition, English Version

Standard Highway Signs, 2004 Edition, English Version

PDF icon Cover

PDF icon Table of Contents

PDF icon Regulatory Signs

PDF icon Warning Signs

PDF icon Guide Signs

PDF icon Emergency Management and Civil Defense Signs

PDF icon School Signs

PDF icon Appendix

PDF icon Blank Standards

PDF icon Design Guidelines

PDF icon Standard Alphabets

PDF icon Pavement Markings

PDF icon Oject Markers

Additional Resources

List of Known Errors

FHWA Word Calculator for Highway Signs

Try the new design tool to automatically determine the length of any traffic sign legend. Now, you can quickly and easily determine word lengths and estimate sign sizes based on the results. All the FHWA Standard Alphabet letter series—B, C, D, E, E(mod), and F—are supported for both upper- and lower-case letter forms. The tool can also be used to verify the output of sign design software programs.

Vector-based PDF and EPS Sign Formats

Undimensioned, full-size layouts for selected signs are provided for use by sign fabricators in the electronic fabrication process. These full-size layouts are made available in vector-based PDF and EPS formats that can be used directly with electronic vinyl cutting equipment.